Prior to the class we require bicycles to be prepped and checked so that the class can start on time, giving all children the opportunity to have the maximum amount of time on the bike and learning to ride their bike without stabilisers.
It is essential that children attned the class with a fully functioning, well maintained bicycle.
All videos provide by British Cycling
Please ensure the following tasks are completed prior to attending the class.
Take the stabilisers off the bike
Take both pedals off (not the pedal cranks, just the pedals) and bring them to the class with you
Pump up the tyres to the correct pressure
Check the brakes work correctly
Adjust the saddle so the feet are flat on the floor with a slight bend in the knee
If you are unable to do any of the preparations, we can do them at the beginning of the class but we prefer the bike be prepared so your child will have more time pedalling.